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- Save your My Expo Plan entries so they are accessible on other devices.
- Access your personalized show guide.
- Review and update your profile.
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User Login
Itinerary Planner Login
Please enter your e-Code (password) below. If you do not have an e-Code please create a profile below to begin.
Itinerary Planner Functions:
- The itinerary planner is a planning tool that allows you to create a list of courses, panel and exhibit companies, which can be printed or accessed at anytime.
- The Itinerary planner does not register you for any courses or events
- Registration must be completed separately, see the "Registration" tab
If you have not yet created a login, please complete the profile information below. Once submitted, you will receive an email with your "ECode". When logged in, you will have access to the Itinerary Planner, My Expo Plan and My Briefcase.
Please note: required fields are indicated with*
Select Prefix
Enter Biography
Biography should be lesser than 2000 chars.
Select a Country
Select Country
Select a State/Province*
Select State