Log in today to:

  1. Save your My Expo Plan entries so they are accessible on other devices.
  2. Access your personalized show guide.
  3. Review and update your profile.
Create a new account.

User Login

Itinerary Planner Login
Please enter your e-Code (password) below.  If you do not have an e-Code please create a profile below to begin.

Itinerary Planner Functions:

  • The itinerary planner is a planning tool that allows you to create a list of courses, panel and exhibit companies, which can be printed or accessed at anytime.
  • The Itinerary planner does not register you for any courses or events
  • Registration must be completed separately, see the "Registration" tab

Log In
Please enter your Badge Number to log in.

Forgot your password?

No worries.  We can retrieve your password.

