Novus Scientific, Inc.

Wrentham,  MA 
United States
  • Booth: 1319

TIGR® Matrix:Biosynthetic with 3 year published human data.

TIGR® Resorbable Matrix: The world’s 1st and only Biosynthetic with 3 year published human data. Bioresorbable, Predictable and designed to stimulate regeneration of organized connective tissue.

Novus Scientific is an innovator in the development and commercialization of resorbable synthetic medical devices, with offices in Singapore, San Diego, Uppsala Sweden

Brands: TIGR® Matrix NSTM1015 (10 x 15cm) TIGR® Matrix NSTM2030 (15 x 20cm) TIGR® Matrix NSTM2030 (20 x 30cm)