Networking with Customers
Networking is a key component to building reliable and long-lasting relationships. That is why we provide valuable networking opportunities at Plastic Surgery The Meeting. Be prepared to create new leads and foster existing client relationships with our member surgeons, residents, plastic surgery professionals and practice managers at these events.
Networking Opportunities:
- Opening Ceremonies and Welcome Reception
- Educational Programs Conveniently Located near the Exhibit Hall
- Dedicated Daily Networking Breaks and Lunches in the Exhibit Hall
- Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall
- Option to Host a Satellite Symposia*
- Option to Host a Focus Group*
- Additional Speaking Opportunities for Industry*
*Subject to application, fees, and availability.
Exhibitor Access to Education*
ASPS acknowledges the exhibitors’ need to remain informed of the latest scientific techniques and challenges in the industry. We are pleased to offer all registered exhibit personnel complimentary access to all non-ticketed scientific programming that will be held Friday, October 28 through Sunday October 29 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
Check back to view the 2023 Program Schedule for all Courses and General Sessions in April >>
Note: Exhibitor admittance to all non-ticketed scientific programs is subject to space availability.
*course registration excludes practice management track
Enhancing Your Exhibitor Presence
There are many opportunities to promote your booth presence, products/services to meeting attendees pre-show, onsite and post-show. We encourage your participation in all of the opportunities listed here and more!
- Attendee Mailing Lists (pre-/post-meeting)
- Booth Giveaways/Novelty Items
- Booth Raffles/Drawings
- Company Listings in the Online Directory, Meeting App, and the printed Onsite Guide
- Complimentary Promotional Toolkit
- Enhanced Company Listings
- Hosted Business Suites
- In-Booth Events/Activities Listing
- Industry Functions and Meeting Space
Contact the ASPS Exhibits Team with any questions regarding in-booth and pre/post-meeting exhibitor marketing opportunities.